YCCECE Dinosaur Charity Run 2024

🦖🎉 The YCCECE Dinosaur Run is ROARING back into action the third year! 🎉🦖
Date 活動日期: 1/12/2024, Sunday 星期日
Time 活動時間: 10am-5:00pm
Location 地點: Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, 2 Tin Wan Hill Road, Aberdeen 耀中幼教學院 香港仔田灣田灣山道2號
Theme主題 : A unique carnival educational experience featuring Dinosaur-themed attractions and green education for kids up to 10 years old and parents 由遊戲中學習的獨特嘉年華體驗,為10 歲以下孩子和家長提供以恐龍為主題的景點及綠色教育題材
Follow us 關注我們: Facebook @dinorunkids & IG @dinorunkids
Educational Fun Activities 益智趣味活動

Good Cause 籌款目的
Ninety percent of YCCECE students receive financial aid. Your participation in this event directly supports the funding of YCCECE scholarships and awards for students in need.
百份之九十的 YCCECE 學生獲得經濟援助。活動收益會用於支持YCCECE 獎學金和獎項,以幫助有需要的學生。
Sponsorship packages support families in need to access the event for free.
A dinosaur-themed green education app for the event to promote a sustainable future.
Join us in nurturing the future of early childhood education, YCCECE is committed to nurturing passionate and inspired Early Childhood Education professionals.
與我們一起培育幼兒教育的未來,YCCECE 致力於培育充滿熱情與靈感的幼兒教育專業人員。
Individual Packages 親子禮包
All fees and funds raised from the event (after expense) would be used to support the scholarships and awards for students of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education in need.
Corporate Sponsorship 企業贊助
If you are interested to sponsor this worthy cause, we would be delighted to provide more detailed information and discuss how we can tailor the packages to align with your objectives. Below are corporate packages for your consideration with brand publicity included. Please contact hinhin.wong@yccece.edu.hk for more details.

Ready to stomp, run, and roar for a cause that's close to our hearts! We're raising funds to empower our amazing early childhood educators!
This year, on December 1st, we're inviting you to unleash your inner dinosaur at YCCECE's Dinosaur Charity Run 2024! A much BIGGER than last year’s event, Dinosaur Charity Run 2024 will be packed with a lot more educational games and fun! This year we are partnering with CLP, The Playhouse, Venture Studios, Carbon Linking and M&C Corporate Consulting to bring even more activities for your enjoyment.
We've got an exciting line-up planned: the popular dinosaur run for kids , engaging dinosaur educational games, not to mention taking a professional Dinosaur family studio photo for the memorable day. Plus, enjoy a playful session at the Jurassic Pamela Peck Discovery Space. Moreover, we designed a dinosaur-themed green education treasure hunt app for the event to promote a sustainable future.
Individual family packages and corporate sponsorships are available to support this fantastic cause. Ready to join in the dino-fun? Book now and we can't wait to see you there! Let the city hear our dinosaur roar!🌟
今年12月1日,我們誠摯邀請您來參加耀中幼教學院的恐龍慈善跑2024!這次的活動比去年的更加大型,將充滿更多的教育遊戲和樂趣!今年,我們與中電、The Playhouse、Venture Studios、Carbon Linking 及 M&C Corporate Consulting 合作,為您帶來更多精彩活動。